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Register by Projects
Classification by alphabetical order.

For the letter P
⊿ Paganism and Christianism in the Antiquity: traditions and distorsions in rituals, myths and philosophy
⊿ Paleoanthropology
⊿ Paleoanthropology of historical and prehistoric populations.
⊿ PARTIMAP : Community PARTIcipation - combining Citizen Science and Earth Observation for MAPping Deprivation
⊿ Pathophysiology of brain plasticity processes in memory consolidation
⊿ Pathophysiology of mood disorders
⊿ Pathophysiology of mood disorders 1
⊿ Pathophysiology of sleep and circadian cycles 1
⊿ Pathophysiology of sleep and circadian cycles 2
⊿ Pathophysiology of sleep and circadian cycles 3
⊿ Pathophysiology of sleep and circadian cycles 4
⊿ Patient-Derived Tumor Growth Modeling from Multiparametric Analysis of Combined Dynamic PET/MR Data
⊿ Peace and Security in Asia-Pacific
⊿ Penality and social change. What kind of penal justice for the 21th century ?
⊿ Perception of the physical effort: neurophysiological and metabolic signals crossover.
⊿ Personnel psychology
⊿ Pharmacology Institute - Museum of medicinal plants
⊿ Phenemenology and hermeneutics
⊿ Philosophical and ethical aspects of technological risk
⊿ Phoebus
⊿ PhotoCop: sustainable photocatalysis with copper complexes
⊿ Phylogeography, dispersal and speciation in phytophagous insects
⊿ Physicians' stress related to physician-patient communication in cancer care : a study of the psychobiological correlates of physicians' acquisition and use of communication skills
⊿ Physico-chemical studies of calix[n]arene based molecular receptors.
⊿ Phytochemical study of antiparasitic, antifungic and antimicrobial constituents of African medicinal plants.
⊿ PICRIB-Platform for Imaging in Clinical Research in Brussels
⊿ Pictoriana : Belgian artists writings
⊿ Plant population genetics and community diversity in tropical rain forests
⊿ Plasma treatment of surfaces
⊿ POINT, FP7, European Commission
⊿ Political centralization, economic integration and language evolution in Central Africa : an interdisciplinary approach to the early history of the Kongo Kingdom
⊿ Political Economics and Collective decisions
⊿ Political philosophy, Legal Philosophy
⊿ Politics in trade unionism in Belgium: exclusive exchanges put to the test of depilarization?
⊿ Polymorphism of Molecular Crystals Studied in Controlled Nucleation Conditions
⊿ Population Geography and Demography
⊿ Post-transcriptional regulation mediated by the AU-rich elements located in the 3'untranslated region of cytokines messenger RNA
⊿ Posture, gait and motion analysis in subjects with low back pain
⊿ Power-Aware real-time scheduling
⊿ PPDB (Political Party Database)
⊿ Preclinical Imaging Management System (PIMS)
⊿ Preparation and characterization of electromembranes.
⊿ Preparation of the ESA Gaia mission
⊿ Preservation of Historic city centres and mass tourism
⊿ Press and literature
⊿ Press and Literature in french-speaking Belgium ( 1920 - 1940 ) : a survey of the art critique debates and a sociological interpretation thereof
⊿ Pricing and hedging of exotic options in finance and insurance
⊿ Pricing multi-assets derivatives
⊿ Priming effect on subsequent food choices: a study of the implicit mechanisms underlying eating
⊿ Production of public areas within the post-Fordist cities.
⊿ Professional mobility, commitment and well-being
⊿ Prosecution service and restorative justice.   Import and consequences of a form of ''privatization of criminal justice''
⊿ Proteomics
⊿ PROTHER-WAL : Proton Therapy Research in Wallonia
⊿ protocol and cryptography based on quantum physics
⊿ protocol and cryptography based on quantum physics
⊿ Psycholinguistic units involved in speech recognition
⊿ Psychological challenges of diversity and inclusion policies.
⊿ Psychological factors interfering with retention and understanding of highly emotional information : the particular case of informed consent in hemato-oncology
⊿ Psychopathology of emotions and psychosomatics : a clinical and psychometrical evaluation of humain behaviour (empathy and narcissism)
⊿ Psychosocial correlates of oestrogene and progesterone receptors in breast cancers.
⊿ Public policy and tools of public action
⊿ Publication of the reports of orders, decisions and judgements of the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda
⊿ Pulmonary circulation and myocardium