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Register by Projects
Classification by alphabetical order.

For the letter S
⊿ Sampling methods
⊿ Scaut
⊿ Scaut
⊿ Science Journalism, science in the media
⊿ Sea-cucumber cultivation.
⊿ Search for nu-mu/nu-tau neutrino oscillations (OPERA experiment)
⊿ Search for nu-mu/nu-tau oscillations (CHORUS experiment)
⊿ SeCloud
⊿ SeCloud
⊿ Secure Weapon System (SWS)
⊿ Security of wireless communications
⊿ Security of wireless communications
⊿ See Alice
⊿ Selective synthesis of rim-differentiated pillar[6]arenes to access new applications
⊿ Self-assembled monolayers of organic and bio-molecules on electrodes
⊿ Self-image, stereotypes of gender and acquisition of the notion of time by children aged 5 to 9 : developmental prospect
⊿ Self-Organising circuits For Interconnected, Secure and Template computing
⊿ Self-Organising circuits For Interconnected, Secure and Template computing
⊿ Self-organization through symmetry-breaking in physico-chemical systems far from equilibrium
⊿ Self-report study on youth crime in Belgium
⊿ Self-sealing, anti-infectious wound dressing materials based on chitin hydrogel
⊿ Semantics and Pragmatics Axis
⊿ Semiotic approach of performing arts.
⊿ Shared construction of the city
⊿ Side-channel attacks on cryptographic hardware
⊿ Side-channel attacks on cryptographic hardware
⊿ Simulation of biological systems, bioinformatics, biostatistics
⊿ Sleep and cardio-vascular diseases
⊿ Sleep and real-life gross-motor learning in school aged children and adults
⊿ Sleep physiopathology and study of biological rhythms in chronic fatigue. Study of somnolence and fatigue in the general population.
⊿ Sleep-dependant processes of language development in specific language impairment
⊿ SLUMAP : Slum Mapping and Characterisation in sub-Saharan African Cities
⊿ Slumtourism
⊿ SMARTPOP - Spatial planning of population growth in Wallonia and, in particular, in Liege to shape Smart Cities
⊿ Social history of European societies
⊿ Socio-economic and environmental analysis of the energy evolution issues - From European policies to local impacts
⊿ Socio-technical networks
⊿ Software development
⊿ Solution of inverse problems in scattering and imaging
⊿ Spatial ecology of pests and diseases
⊿ Spatio-temporal organization
⊿ Spectral analysis and model-Hamiltonians
⊿ Spectroscopy in the near infrared
⊿ Speech perception in congenitally profound deaf children
⊿ Spin isomers
⊿ Sport Nutrition
⊿ Statistical mechanics and microscopic chaos
⊿ Statistics
⊿ Statistics, Theory and Applications
⊿ STEN PROJECT - Alleviate Stigma, Train, Enhance smoking cessations interventions, rely on a specially -zed Netrworks
⊿ Strategic management practices in european universities
⊿ Stress at work 1
⊿ Structure and mode of action of lung surfactants
⊿ Structure elucidation and biological evaluation of anticancer constituents isolated medicinal plants cultivated and collected in Vietnam
⊿ Structure, function and regulation of ammonium transport proteins of the Mep/Amt/Rhesus family
⊿ Structure-function studies of secondary bacterial transporters, involved in multidrug resistance and the role of the lipidic environment on their activity.
⊿ Structured statistical and computational tools in high-dimensional recovery, with applications in medical imaging
⊿ Structures and algorithms for the assesment of knowledge
⊿ Structuring of the "current music professions" sector (2021)
⊿ Study and classification of the residually primitive incidence geometries of the Suzuki groups
⊿ Study and modelling of coastal eutrophication in the Phaeocystis-dominated Southern Bight of the North Sea
⊿ Study of a signalling pathway responding to external amino acids in yeast
⊿ Study of airborne particles
⊿ Study of bone diseases, especiallv those associated with an abnormality of vitamin D metabolism and of parathyroid hormone secretion.Study of disuse osteoporosis (coll. withe the CTR).
⊿ Study of ep interactions at HERA-DESY (H1 experiment)
⊿ Study of location of sensorimotor regions using cerebral multimodal functional imaging (fMRI, MEG and TMS) in neurosurgery
⊿ Study of mechanisms regulating folliculogenesis
⊿ Study of normal and pathologic psychomotricity
⊿ Study of Ru(II) complexes in the presence of amino acids, oligopeptides and proteins.
⊿ Study of salivary proteins of the tick ixodes ricinus
⊿ Study of socialist and communist parties in Belgium
⊿ Study of the effects of second-hand smoke and air pollution on the vascular function
⊿ Study of the endothelial function of isolated rat aortas.
⊿ Study of the lexical transformation of the ILO Discourses since the second world war
⊿ Study of the limiting steps in AAV-mediated gene transfer and development of improved vectors.
⊿ Study of the maturation of somatosensory pathways using diffusion tensor imaging and MEG in preterm infants
⊿ Study of the mechanisms of hyperplasic stenosis in intra-arterial stents.
⊿ Study of the methods used to evaluate bone mass and fracture risk
⊿ Study Of The Modalities And Limits Of The Dialogue Between Law And Clinical Social Sciences
⊿ Study of the neuronal cytoskeleton
⊿ Study of the Post-transcriptional regulation mechanism mediated by the AU-rich sequences.
⊿ Study of the primitive groups of small degree
⊿ Study of the properties and the regulation of ion channels
⊿ Study of the respective impacts of MEG and EEG-fMRI on the presurgical evaluation of epileptic patients candidates to surgery
⊿ Study of the support structures designed for troubled youngsters.
⊿ Study of youngsters' psychological resources in a context of seclusion
⊿ Study on anthocyanic pigments from plants.
⊿ Study on chemopreventive constituents of vegetable and fruits usually eated in Belgium: fractionation, isolation and identification of active constituents.
⊿ Study using MEG of neural bases of learning with and without consciousness
⊿ Studying the genetic programs that control cerebral cortex development
⊿ SuNuP - Optimization of the microorganism fermentation and drying conditions for the production of dry and active sourdoughs, starters and probiotics
⊿ Supersymmetry and non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories
⊿ Supramolecular Micellar Systems
⊿ Supramolecular photocatalytic water splitting (Perspect H20)
⊿ Survey of Belgian practice in international law.
⊿ SUSTAIN : Streamline ecological footprint of single-use bioprocess systems with AI & smart digital twin
⊿ Sustainable Consumption : What Role for Consumers ?
⊿ Sustainable development, environmental health, education and awareness
⊿ Sustainable Employment in the Age of Digitalisation : challenges, obstacles and opportunities SEAD
⊿ Symplectic connections and symplectic geometry
⊿ Synthesis and photophysics of coordination dendrimers
⊿ Synthesis and study of calixarene based Ru(II) complexes
⊿ Synthesis and study of photo-activatable complexes in presence of peptides and proteins: photo-induced electron transfer, photo-addition and photocrosslinking
⊿ Synthesis and study of photoactivatable and vectorized supramolecular systems
⊿ Synthesis and study of the recognition properties of molecular receptors derived from calixarenes
⊿ Synthesis of molecules of biological interest
⊿ Synthesis of Nanodiamonds (NDs) at mild Pressure and Temperature
⊿ Synthesis of new calixcryptand based ligands that can be grafted on gold surface: study of copper complexation and elaboration of modified electrodes
⊿ Systematics and biogeography of African Orchids