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LoUIsE - Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies

LoUIsE - Laboratory on Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies - is focusing on the dynamics of transformations of metropolitan territories. LoUIsE is based in the Brussels-Capital Region. The research goes beyond the discipline of urbanism to take on environmental, infrastructural, and social issues concerning cities and urban territories in the larger sense. Affiliated members are indeed convinced it is flows, networks, and infrastructures that make up the global framework from which urbanism's contemporary territories are organized. Research in LoUIsE laboratory takes shape first and foremost through research made in the context of doctoral and postdoctoral theses, financed by the National Scientific Research Fund, the regional initiative Innoviris and the European Regional Development Fund.


Metrolab Brussels is a laboratory dedicated to applied and critical urban research, headed by an academic consortium that includes teams from UCL (CriDIS - urban sociology - and LOCI - urban planning) and ULB (IGEAT - geography and environment - and LoUIsE - urbanism), with funding from the European RegionalDevelopment Fund (ERDF). Through its research activities, Metrolab aims to provide insight into the issues that Brussels is experiencing as a large city, and stimulate innovation by searching for links between the ERDF 2014-2020 programming period and the actual conditions on the ground. It also intends to provide a space where academic researchers and people involved in urban planning in Brussels can come together and engage with one another. To this end, Metrolab offers three types of activity: regular series of seminars, research/ action initiatives in partnership with Brussels organisations working on urban issues, and - every two years - an international exchange programme that includes a MasterClass and a conference on a specific topic.
Metrolab Brussels' scientifc program is structured by three main axes of research - urban inclusion, urban ecology, urban production - which correspond roughly to the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainable urban development. On a temporal level, these axes of research form also three successive cycles of work. In 2016-2017, MLB researchers are focused on issues and events related to urban inclusion. 2017-2018 is centered on urban ecology (Brussels Ecosystems). 2019-2020 will be all about urban production. 
As part of LoUisE, Benoit Moritz and Geoffrey Grulois are involve as academic coordinator and Marco Ranzato is a scientific coordinator (postdoc). Andrea Bortolotti and Pauline Varloteaux are PhD research and Louise Prouteau is administrative manager.