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LoUIsE - Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies (LoUIsE)

Faculty of Architecture (La Cambre-Horta) | Research Centers

Interfaculty institutes | EBxl : Network of Brussels studies of the ULB

Interfaculty institutes | iiTSE: Inter-faculty institute for socio-ecological transformations

(Code: ULB740)

Person in charge of the unit : GRULOIS Geoffrey.

LoUIsE - Laboratory on Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies - is focusing on the dynamics of transformations of metropolitan territories.
LoUIsE is based in the Brussels-Capital Region. The research goes beyond the discipline of urbanism to take on environmental, infrastructural, and social
issues concerning cities and urban territories in the larger sense. Affiliated members are indeed convinced it is flows, networks, and infrastructures that
make up the global framework from which urbanism's contemporary territories are organized. Research in LoUIsE laboratory takes shape first and foremost
through research made in the context of doctoral and postdoctoral theses, financed by the National Scientific Research Fund, the regional initiative Innoviris
and the European Regional Development Fund.

Campus : La Cambre-Horta
Address : CP248 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-645.56.49
E-mail :

Frascati domains:

 • 2.7 Environmental engineering

 • 5.4 Sociology

 • 5.7 Social and economic geography

 • 6.1 History and archaeology

 • 6.5 Other humanities

Disciplines CRef :

 • Contempory history (since 1914)

 • Design

 • Ecology

 • Economic geography

 • Economics

 • Historic geography

 • History of environment

 • Human geography

 • Social sciences

 • Territory development

 • Town-planning and architecture (civil engineering)

 • Urban sociology