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Petit Marine


ACTE - Autism in Context: theory and experiment

The interfaculty research group ACTE (Autism in Context: Theory and Experiment) started in 2015 at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Our main objective is to contribute to a better understanding of language development and communication skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our research focuses in particular on the origins of language delays, social communication skills in children and adults and the implications of social communication differences in everyday interactions. We bring together investigation techniques from cognitive psychology, social psychology and linguistics within an ecological research program, whose experimental dimension is geared towards specific sensibilities of children and adults with autism.  

Across all components of the ACTE project, we consider the great heterogeneity that characterises the autism spectrum. Whenever possible, we will also attempt to gain insight to children’s individual progression and evolution, by designing longitudinal studies. 


Belgian 'Language in Autism' Study

The Belgian 'Language in Autism' Study or BeLAS is a national research project on language development in autism conducted collaboratively at three sites: Université libre de Bruxelles, Universiteit Gent & KU Leuven.

BeLAS brings together researchers from three Belgian French- and Dutch-speaking universities: ULB, UGent and KU Leuven. The aim of BeLAS is to reach out to French- and Dutch-speaking children all over Belgium. To do this, we have transformed three vans into mobile research centres, our LabMobiles. The LabMobile has been furnished in a cosy way and has eveyrthing to carry out the study activities with your child and an accompanying parent.

No need to travel to the university, we come to you!