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Belgian 'Language in Autism' Study

(Excellent of Science)

Units : ACTE - Autism in Context: theory and experiment | ULB844

Description :

The Belgian 'Language in Autism' Study or BeLAS is a national research project on language development in autism conducted
collaboratively at three sites: Université libre de Bruxelles, Universiteit Gent & KU Leuven.

BeLAS brings together researchers from three Belgian French- and Dutch-speaking universities: ULB, UGent and KU Leuven. The aim
of BeLAS is to reach out to French- and Dutch-speaking children all over Belgium. To do this, we have transformed three vans into
mobile research centres, our LabMobiles. The LabMobile has been furnished in a cosy way and has eveyrthing to carry out the study
activities with your child and an accompanying parent.

No need to travel to the university, we come to you!

List of persons in charge :

  • Beccaria Federica

  • DELIENS Gaétane

Members List :

  • Beccaria Federica

  • DELIENS Gaétane

  • Petit Marine

  • Petrocelli Lena

  • Rapp Clara

  • WEYLAND Marielle

List of lessors :

  • F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA)

  • EOS