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LaDisco : Center of research in linguistics

This Center groups linguists representing the main trends in contemporary linguistics. Research conducted within the Center is organised around four main axes: Language & Cognition, Morphology & Syntaxe, Semantics & Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics & Discours analysis.The first axis, Language & Cognition, highlights the cognitive correlate of linguistic phenomena, using empirical methods from cognitive sciences and experimental and clinical psychology. The Semantics and Pragmatics axis focuses on the interface between conventional meaning and its use in contexte, in close interaction with philosophy of language and mind, but also informed by experimental studies. The Morphology and Syntax axis encourages an in-depth study of linguistic structures, with approaches ranging from French linguistics to Chomskian generatistivism, and including cognitive linguistics. The last axis, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis, studies language in its context of social use and is based on the analysis of corpora as well as on methods derived from sociology or ethnography.

CiASp: Centre for research in film and the performing arts

Le centre de recherche CiASp, centre de recherche en Cinéma et Arts du spectacle de la faculté de Lettres, Traduction & Communication (LTC), réunit les chercheurs qui explorent les aspects théoriques et pratiques (notamment à travers le doctorat en arts et sciences de l’art) du cinéma et du spectacle vivant. Le centre facilite à la fois des projets de recherche à orientation historique que des études de pratique contemporaines, et cela toujours en insérant sont objet d’étude dans son contexte social et politique plus large.

Cinéma et spectacle vivant sont étudiées sous un angle pluridisciplinaire, relevant tout autant de sa théorisation que de l’analyse de certaines pratiques spécifiques. Les recherches fondamentales portent sur la mise au point de modèles permettant de rendre compte des processus et instances spécifiques du cinéma et spectacle vivant. Les recherches appliquées portent sur la genèse, l’expérience, la communication et la réception du cinéma et spectacle vivant. Elles s’intéressent tant à la relecture des données historiographiques et pratiques constitutives dites “time-based”, qu’aux formes contemporaines. Les analyses concernent principalement les processus de création, d’énonciation, de signification, de transmission, de notation et de réception du cinéma et du spectacle vivant.

Le centre de recherche CiASp est associé au Laboratoire de Musicologie (LaM) de la Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales, au groupe de recherche transfacultaire MuCiA, qui favorise les rencontres entre les spécialistes de toutes ces disciplines selon des approches et des méthodologies diverses.

ACTE - Autism in Context: theory and experiment

The interfaculty research group ACTE (Autism in Context: Theory and Experiment) started in 2015 at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Our main objective is to contribute to a better understanding of language development and communication skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our research focuses in particular on the origins of language delays, social communication skills in children and adults and the implications of social communication differences in everyday interactions. We bring together investigation techniques from cognitive psychology, social psychology and linguistics within an ecological research program, whose experimental dimension is geared towards specific sensibilities of children and adults with autism.  

Across all components of the ACTE project, we consider the great heterogeneity that characterises the autism spectrum. Whenever possible, we will also attempt to gain insight to children’s individual progression and evolution, by designing longitudinal studies. 

ReSIC: Research Center in Information and Communication

ReSIC explores the vast and multidimensional field of Information and Communication sciences.  The research conducted at ReSIC investigates, on the one hand, the content, organization and evolutions of mass media, past and present and, on the other hand, organisational communication, public relations and marketing, and in particular the way new tools and technologies are impacting on network dynamics.  A third concern is the use of digital information, its organization and management in mechanisms of knowledge sharing, as well as data preservation, collection and transmission.  Furthermore, resarch is conducted in the field of semiotics of performing arts, with particular attention to drama reception and audiences.  Combining research and field work on cultural, media and technological issues, the ReSIC research team is working in close connection with civil society organizations, professional journalists, private and non-profit corporations and cultural bodies


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