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LaDisco : Center of research in linguistics

Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication | Research Centers

(Code: ULB719)

Person in charges of the unit : DE BRABANTER Philippe, JASPERS Jürgen.

This Center groups linguists representing the main trends in contemporary linguistics. Research conducted within the Center is organised around four main
axes: Language & Cognition, Morphology & Syntaxe, Semantics & Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics & Discours analysis.The first axis, Language & Cognition,
highlights the cognitive correlate of linguistic phenomena, using empirical methods from cognitive sciences and experimental and clinical psychology. The
Semantics and Pragmatics axis focuses on the interface between conventional meaning and its use in contexte, in close interaction with philosophy of language
and mind, but also informed by experimental studies. The Morphology and Syntax axis encourages an in-depth study of linguistic structures, with approaches
ranging from French linguistics to Chomskian generatistivism, and including cognitive linguistics. The last axis, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis,
studies language in its context of social use and is based on the analysis of corpora as well as on methods derived from sociology or ethnography.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : AY2.127
Address : CP175 - avenue F. D. Roosevelt, 50 bte CP 175 - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone number : +3226506678
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Applied linguistics

 • Cognitive linguistics

 • General linguistics

 • Human sciences

 • Language sociology

 • Logic

 • Morphology of language

 • Philosophy of mind

 • Pragmatic

 • Semantics - natural languages

 • Social cognition

 • Sociolinguistics

 • Special linguistics

 • Syntax