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Cybersecurity research center

Faculty of Applied Sciences | Discipline: Information technology, intelligent systems

Faculty of Sciences | Computer Science

(Code: ULB770)

Person in charges of the unit : MARKOWITCH Olivier, DRICOT Jean-Michel.

Founded in 2017, the multidisciplinary research center in cybersecurity aims at federating the research labs active in the field of cybersecurity. It
builds on top of a long-standing and well established research experience of its research groups.

The Cybersecurity Research Center has strong ties with the
Master of Science in Cybersecurity, the Center for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB), and the Cybersecurity Coalition.

Phone number : +32-2-650.38.83
E-mail :
Web site :

Frascati domains:

 • 1.2 Computer and information sciences

 • 2.2 Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering

Disciplines CRef :

 • Computer technology hardware

 • General informatics

 • Mathematical informatics

 • Remote data processing - computers interconnection

 • Telecommunications engineering (telecommunications)