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Biogéochimie et Modélisation du Système Terre (BGésys)

Faculté des Sciences | Département de Géosciences, Environnement et Société

(Code: ULB751)

Responsable de l'unité : REGNIER Pierre.

The BGeoSys group includes academics, post-doctoral, Ph.D. and technical staff with expertise in a range of research fields from the biogeochemistry of
continental and marine systems, the kinetics of water-rock-microorganisms processes to the modelling of the Earth system. Our approach encompass
experimental,modelling and field work covering an large spectrum of temporal (seconds to billion years) and spatial -(nanometer to the global) scales. We are focusing
our efforts on the carbon and nutrients cycles and on their role in shaping the present and past climates of the Earth.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Adresse : CP160/02 - Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - 1050 Bruxelles
Téléphone : +32-2-650.22.36
Email :
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