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Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi) (CERMi)

Faculty Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management | Center Emile Bernheim

Interfaculty institutes | iiTSE: Inter-faculty institute for socio-ecological transformations

(Code: ULB666)

Person in charges of the unit : SZAFARZ Ariane, HUDON Marek, LABIE Marc.

The CERMi is de Microfinance department of the Centre Emile Bernheim and the Facultés Warocqué. This center gathers researchers from different
backgrounds and it aims at studying all major aspects of microfinance development.Its objectives are to stimulate microfinance research, particularly among doctoral
students, and to support Belgian and European authorities to better understand the multidisciplinary factors influencing both the development of
microfinance and the effective management of microfinance institutions.The CERMi particularly focuses on the governance and management of microfinance institutions.
From a larger perspective, it also studies developing countries regulations and public policies, the role of central banks and the one of donors. The links
between microfinance and traditional financial sector will also be studied. Last but not least, ethical aspects of microfinance in developing countries
will also be a topic of research.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : 42, Av F.D.Roosevelt - 1050 Bruxelles
Address : CP114
Phone number : +32-2-650.66.01
Fax : +32-2-650.41.88
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Economy of the developing countries

 • Management

 • Marketing