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Group for research on Ethnic Relations, Migrations and Equality (GERME)

Interfaculty institutes | EBxl : Network of Brussels studies of the ULB

Interfaculty institutes | IEE: Institute of European Studies

Interfaculty institutes | iiTSE: Inter-faculty institute for socio-ecological transformations

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Institute of Sociology

(Code: ULB610)

Person in charges of the unit : TORREKENS Corinne, JACOBS Dirk.

GERME is a research group of social scientists studying processes of inclusion and exclusion in the context of diverse societies that are marked by social
inequalities. Although initially mainly focussing its research activities on racism, migration, exclusion and ethnicity, researchers based at GERME are now
working on a wide range of topics. These include ' without being exhaustive - citizenship practices, multiculturalism, migrant integration policy, urban
policy, gender relations, xenophobia, labour market inclusion, education, culture, religion, political participation, social networks and social
stratification. In our research work there is a firm emphasis on processes of ethnicisation and racialisation, on the reproduction of social inequalities and on
relations between ethno-cultural minority and majority groups.GERME aims to investigate both state responses to ethnic diversity and social inequalities, lived
experiences of citizens in diverse and class-divided societies and social and political mobilisation (of both marginalised as empowered groups).Researchers
at GERME do not believe there is a universally best set of technical tools and use both qualitative as quantitative methods and mixed methods approaches.
We invest in methodological expertise for handling both ethnographic and case study challenges as advanced multivariate statistical analysis. A key
research interest of GERME is the interaction between management of ethno-cultural diversity linked to the phenomenon of immigration on the one hand and the power
struggle between the dominant linguistic groups in Belgium on the other hand.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Bât S, niveau 14
Address : CP124
Phone number : +32-2-650.31.82
Fax : +32-2-650.46.59
E-mail :
Web site :