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Consciousness, Cognition & Computation Group (Co3)

Faculty of Psychological and Educational Sciences | Research center in cognition and neurosciences

Interfaculty institutes | UNI, ULB Neuroscience Institute

(Code: ULB484)

Person in charge of the unit : CLEEREMANS Axel.

The goal of the Co3 is to contribute to our understanding of the elementary cognitive processes involved in learning, cognitive development, and
automaticity. One of the central research topics of the Co3 concerns the role of consciousness in these elementary processes, and in particular the issue of
determining which can occur without awareness. The research projects of the Co3 generally combine behavioral methods (experimentation with healthy participants in
a lifelong perspective and with brain-damaged patients), modelling (neural networks), and neuroimaging methods (PET, MEG et fMRI). Recently, a Babylab has
been installed, in other words a laboratory dedicated to the study of the development of the infants and toddlers' cognitive and social abilities.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Bâtiment D, niveau 10, local DB10-127 (secrétariat)
Address : CP191
Phone number : +32-2-650.32.96 / 26.31 (secré
Fax : +32-2-650.22.09
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Animal psychology

 • Cognitive neuroscience

 • Cognitive philosophy

 • Cognitive psychology

 • Connexionism

 • Development psychology - old age

 • Experimental psychology

 • Medical imaging, radiology, tomography

 • Modeling cognitive processes

 • Neuropsychology

 • Psychology

 • Psychology of cognitive development