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Laboratory of Data Treatment Methodology (L.M.T.D.)

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences | Institute of Sociology

(Code: ULB451)

Person in charge of the unit : VERMANDELE Catherine.

The L.M.T.D. devotes its activities to the development and application of statistical methods. Its main research topics are the analysis of surveys data,
the survey sampling theory, the teaching of statistics, the history of statistics and the statistical modelisation. The L.M.T.D. is involved for many years
in different research projects devoted to the descriptive and prospective analysis of the student population in the higher education of the French
Community in Belgium.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : bâtiment H, niveau 4, bureau H4.155
Address : CP139
Phone number : +32-2-650.46.55
Fax : +32-2-650.34.66
E-mail :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Economical statistics

 • Social and politic statistics

 • Statistical analysis and applied statistics