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Research Center in Biometry and Exercise Nutrition

Faculty of Motor Skills Sciences | Motricity Sciences Research Centers

(Code: ULB383)

Person in charge of the unit : CARPENTIER Alain.

A first part of the research work is devoted to the study of the potentially toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of oral creatine supplementation.
Indeed, in sports circles, this substance is widely used in order to improve performance.

We are also conducting studies on the effects of essential amino
acid supplementation (EAA) during muscle building training.

Our unit has become, in just a few years, both a center of expertise and reference in the
context of nutritional monitoring for both high-level athletes and amateurs, but is also at the forefront of the development of nutritional strategies for
target populations such as the elderly.

Campus : Campus Hospitalo-Fac
Campus Erasme
Location : Campus Erasme - Bâtiment N - Niveau 4 / Local N 4.113
Address : CP640 - Route de Lennik, 808 - 1070 Anderlecht
Phone number : +32-2-555.3869
Fax : +32-2-650.39.66
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Biometrics

 • Dietetics

 • Neurophysiology

 • Nutrition

 • Teaching of bio-medical and agricultural sciences