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Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems (Cenoli)

Faculty of Applied Sciences | Discipline: Chemistry and materials

Faculty of Sciences | Physics

(Code: ULB164)

Person in charges of the unit : COLINET Pierre, DENEUBOURG Jean-Louis, DE WIT Anne, GASPARD Pierre.

Complexity addresses from a unifying point of view a large body of phenomena occurring in systems composed of interacting subunits. It constitutes a highly
interdisciplinary, fast-growing branch of science and provides a privileged interface between mathematical and physical science on the one side and
real-world complex systems on the other, as encountered, in particular, in life sciences. The Center is devoted to research on complex systems and the related
fields of nonlinear science, statistical physics, thermodynamics, physical chemistry, systems biology, and simulations techniques. It contributes to the
promotion of these topics thanks to training and visitor programmes, meeting organization, and the participation to national and international projects. It is
composed of researchers of the academic staff of ULB, permanent FRS-FNRS researchers, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. It is attached to the
departments of physics, chemistry and biology of organisms of the Faculty of Sciences, as well as to the department of chemistry and material science of
the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Campus : Campus de la Plaine
Location : bâtiment NO, niveau 5, local 2N5 205
Address : CP231
Phone number : +32-2-650.55.35
Fax : +32-2-650.57.67
E-mail :
Web site :

Disciplines CRef :

 • Animal ethology

 • Biology

 • Biophysics

 • Condensed matter physics (electronic structure#)

 • Ethology

 • Fluid mechanics

 • General physical chemistry

 • Heat transfer

 • Heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis

 • Information theory

 • Mechanics

 • Physics of nonlinear phenomena

 • Quantum mechanics

 • Statistical physics

 • Statistical thermodynamics

 • Stochastic processes

 • Surface and interface chemistry

 • Theoretical chemistry