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Plant Biotechnology (LBV)

Faculty of Sciences | Biology of Organisms

(Code: ULB151)

Person in charge of the unit : BAUCHER Marie.

The lab includes 2 permanent researchers, 1 of whom is attached to the FNRS, 4 post-docs, 2 PhD students and 1 technician.
The lab's research concerns the
development of vascular plants.
- The main theme of the laboratory is the study of the molecular basis of secondary wall formation in xylem cells of
woody plant species. Poplar is used as a model.
- Our second line of research aims to characterise the link between tissue lignification and tolerance to
environmental stresses, particularly drought, in tropical field crop species (cowpea, millet, etc.).

Campus : Campus de Charleroi
Location : 12 rue des Professeurs Jeener et Brachet
Address : CP300 - Rue Prof Jeener et Brachet, 12 - 6041 Gosselies
Phone number : +32-2-650 95 79
E-mail :

Frascati domains:

 • 1.6 Biological sciences

Disciplines CRef :

 • Biotechnology

 • Cell biology

 • Exact and natural sciences

 • Molecular biology

 • Molecular genetics

 • Mutagenesis and genetic technology

 • Pharmaceutical products

 • Physiology of vascular plants

 • Plant genetics