Site en français

Center for Private Law

Faculty of Law and Criminology | Research Centers

(Code: ULB053)

Person in charges of the unit : VAN DEN HAUTE Erik, LALIERE Frédéric.

The Center for Private Law conducts collective and individual research activities distributed among four units: the Unit of Private International Law, the
Unit of Family Law, the Unit of Economic Law, the Unit of Judicial Law, the Unit Jurislab, the Unit Notary and the Unit of Fiscal Law.

Campus : Campus du Solbosch
Location : Bâtiment 'H', 4e niveau, local 4107
Address : CP137 - Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone number : +32-2-650.38.72
Fax : +32-2-650.38.69
E-mail :
Web site :
Other Site :

Frascati domains:

 • 5.5 Law

Disciplines CRef :

 • Civil law

 • Civil law (persons, family,#)

 • Law