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Faculté des Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation | Centre de Recherche

(Code: ULB839)

Health goal interference and facilitation in transitional phases in young adulthood

Financement de base institutionnel.

Emerging adults undergo life transitions such as entering the workforce and higher education, or becoming a parent, that present changes in the physica ...

Une évaluation écologique momentanée des interférences/facilitations/croyances compensatoires dans la promotion d’une alimentation saine et d’activité physique chez les adultes

F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA).

Un changement dans les multiples comportements de vie sains est nécessaire pour réduire le risque de maladies non-transmissibles. Cependant, les prog ...

A healthy person on a healthy planet: a study of spillover effects between pro-environmental and healthy lifestyle behaviours in a general adult population

Actions concertées.

Given the interconnection between health and climate issues, shared predictors between behaviour and pro-environmental behaviour (PEB), and the risk of ...