ULB Research ⤶ |
Description of the Unit | Projects of the Unit | Composition |
Collaborations of the Unit | Protected technologies | Publications | Skills |
Faculty of Medicine | Erasme Campus
Interfaculty institutes | UNI, ULB Neuroscience Institute
(Code: ULB256)
Autres U.E..
Setup of technology to reprogram differentiated cells (fibroblasts) for control individuals and fro individuals with neurological diseases to generate ...
Fonds associés (toutes subventions, y compris la Loterie Nat.) - PAI - Autres U.E. - Entreprises privées.
Genetic association, gene expression and proteomics studies to investigate the genetic basis of predisposition to epilepsys and to treatment response.
Actions concertées - Autres ressources extérieures.
Chromatin and DNA binding proteins analysis in the frataxin gene in the presence of the Friedreich ataxia mutation (GAA expansion) and reactivation of ...
Actions concertées - Autres ressources extérieures.
Analysis of frataxin function and of changes in cellular homeostasis resulting from frataxin deficiency. Utilization of siRNA to generate cellular and ...
F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA) - Fonds associés (toutes subventions, y compris la Loterie Nat.) - Financement de base institutionnel.
Analysis of neurotransmitters and of neural activity in the rodent cerebellum in normal and pathological (toxic, degenerative) conditions.