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Engineering of Molecular NanoSystems (EMNS)

Faculty of Applied Sciences | Discipline: Chemistry and materials

Faculty of Applied Sciences | Societal impact: Environment

Faculty of Applied Sciences | Societal impact: Health

(Code: ULB819)

List of collaborations

  • Dr Sylvestre BONNET, Leiden University(Netherlands (the))

  • Prof. Giulia LICINI, Università degli Studi di Padova(Italy)

  • Prof Claire MANGENEY, Université Paris - Descartes(France)

  • Dr Christina REDFIELD, University of Oxford(United Kingdom (the))

  • Prof. Anthony DAVIS, University of Bristol(United Kingdom (the))

  • Prof Corinne LAGROST et Dr Yann LEROUX, Université Rennes 1(France)

  • Prof. Antonella DALLA CORT, Università di Roma "Sapienza"(Italy)

  • Prof. Vladimir SINDELAR, Masaryk University(Portugal)

  • Dr Lorenzo DI MICHELE & Prof. Pietro CICUTA, University of Cambridge(United Kingdom (the))