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Spatial Epidemiology Lab (SpELL)

Faculty of Sciences | Brussels School of Bioengineering (Environment - Bioindustry - Agriculture)

(Code: ULB656)

List of collaborations

  • Dr Guillaume Fournier, Royal Veterinary College

  • Dr H.F. Evans, Forestry Commission(United Kingdom (the))

  • Dr. Dirk Maes, Instituut voor Natuurbehoud(Belgium)

  • Dr. Annamaria Conte, IZS Teramo

  • Dr. Tim Robinson, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

  • Dr. Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche et de la Ruralité(France)

  • Dr Renaud Lancelot, CIRAD

  • Dr. William Wint, University of Oxford(United Kingdom (the))

  • Dr. Michel De Proft, Centre de Recherches agronomiques wallon(Belgium)

  • Prof. Dengpan Bu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Dr. Andrew M. Liebhold, USDA Forest Service(United States (the))

  • Dr. Sylvie Augustin, INRA(France)

  • Prof. Xiangming Xiao, University of Oklahoma

  • Dr. Marc Kenis, CABI-Bioscience(Switzerland)