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Glaciology (GLACIOL)

Faculty of Sciences | IGEAT - Institute for Geography, Environment and Land planning

(Code: ULB182)

List of collaborations

  • Dr. Tony Worby, Dr. Ian Allison, University of Hobart, Tasmania(Australia)

  • Prof. A.J. Payne, Bristol University(United Kingdom (the))

  • Dr. D. Cohen, University of Yale(United States (the))

  • Dr. A. Bondesan, Prof. G. Orombelli, Dr. C. Barbante, Dr. M. Meneghel, Dr. M. Dini, Dr. B. Stenni, Programma Nazionale di Recherche in Antartide(Italy)

  • Prof. B. Hubbard, University of Wales(United Kingdom (the))

  • Prof. Philippe Huybrechts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel(Belgium)

  • Prof. David Thomas, University of Wales(United Kingdom (the))

  • Dr. C. Mayer, Bavarian Academy of Sciences(Germany)

  • Prof. I.J. Fairchild, Universituy of Keele(United Kingdom (the))

  • Dr. C. Hammer, Dr. N. Gundestrup, Dr. D. Dahl Jensen, Dr. S. Johnsen, University of Copenhagen(Denmark)

  • Dr.T. Thorsteinsson, Dr.J. Kipfstuhl, Dr. C. Haas, Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung(Germany)

  • Prof. S. Ackley, University of San Antonio(United States (the))

  • Prof. Thierry Fichefet, Dr. Martin Vancoppenolle, UCL(Belgium)

  • Dr. O. Rybak, Vrije Universiteit Brussel(Belgium)

  • Dr. T. Haskell, Industrial Research Ltd.(New Zealand)