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Ecology of Aquatic Systems (ESA)

Faculty of Sciences | Brussels School of Bioengineering (Environment - Bioindustry - Agriculture)

(Code: ULB115)

List of collaborations

  • Dr Pelin Yilmaz, Max Planck Institute für Marine Mikrobiologie

  • Dr. Gilles Billen G., Dr. Josette Garnier, Prof. J.M. Mouchel, J. Meybeck, Université Paris VI(France)

  • Dr. K. Ruddick, Ir J. Ozer, Dr. G. Lacroix, Institut des Sciences Naturelles(Belgium)

  • Prof Marinella Silva Laport, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(Brazil)

  • Dr Alain Ménesguen(France)

  • Dr. A. Borges, B. Delille, Université de Liège(Belgium)

  • Dr Jorn Bruggeman, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)(United Kingdom (the))

  • Prof. Philippe Lebaron, Dr. Julia Baudart, Observatoire Océanologique(France)

  • Dr Karline Soetaert, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO)(Netherlands (the))

  • Prof Mark Liles, Auburn University(United States (the))

  • Dr. Natacha Brion, Prof. Marc Elskens, Vrij Universiteit Brussels(Belgium)

  • Dr Yvette Spitz, Oregon State University(United States (the))

  • Prof Spiros Agathos, Universite Catholique de Louvain(Belgium)

  • Prof. Ramiro Neves, Dr Marcos Mateus, Institute of Marine Research (IMAR)(Portugal)

  • Prof. Michèle Prévost, Prof. Benoit Barbeau, Ecole Polytechnique(Canada)