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Department of Clinical and Differential Psychology

 The clinical and differential psychology department is involved in several researches, mostly based on clinical and projectives methodologies, as well as in several diagnostic investigations and evaluations of intellectual and behavioral dys/functions from a variety of perspectives (individual and society, clinical and anthropological, personality and psychic processes) and across the life span (childhood, adolescence, and adulthood). 


Clinical study of the function of epileptic and pseudo-epileptic crises in residential patients of specialised neurological institutions

This research is aimed at the clinical and comparative evaluation of the function of pharmaco-resistant epileptiform crises in three groups of subjects: (1) patients presenting a validated diagnosis of epilepsy, (2) patients presenting pseudo-epileptic manifestations of psychogenic origin, and (3) patients presenting mixed symptoms (1+2).  The working hypothesis addresses the status and function of the crises within the psychic and interpersonal economy of the subjects. The psychological mechanisms implied amongst the three groups are supposedly comparable and analogous to psychosomatic disorders.