
Site en anglais

Stateless self-determination? Inter-subaltern hierarchies and global colonial continuities

Unité : REPI Recherche et Études en Politique Internationale | ULB704

Description :

The subordination of different ethnic groups in postcolonial countries is often studied as the internal conflicts of postcolonial
states. This leads to at least two historical and structural problems. Firstly, the colonial continuities and how they reflect in
the internal space of postcolonial states remain largely invisible. Secondly, the possibilities of self-determination are almost
exclusively linked to statehood. This research proposes a critical study on the stateless possibilities of self-determination
against inter-subaltern hierarchies resulting from the colonial legacy of the nation-state in the postcolonial world. Embarking on a
decolonial methodological framework, the research studies two poitical movements and regions directly associated with
"stateless self-determination": The Democratic Union Party in North and East Syria, aka. Rojava, and the Zapatista Army of National
Liberation in Chiapas, Mexico. Placed in postcolonial sociology and decolonial International Relations, the research theoretically
problematizes the association of decolonization with independent nation-states. It aims to theorize stateless self-determination
through its ideological roots, historical emergence, and political paradoxes.
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Liste des responsables :

  • Sunca Jan Yasin

  • OLSSON Christian

Liste des bailleurs :

  • F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA)