
Site en français

Ephemeral Architecture

Units : Research Center Leonardo Da Vinci | ULB732

Description :

The ephemeral architecture project is a place chosen for its specific characteristics (eg abandoned building) and a given theme
(eg, urban resilience). Around this place and in connection with the theme, is articulated a week of workshops, seminars and
research. In parallel with the reflection, all the elements necessary for the organization of an event (museum space, conference space,
place for exchanges and debates, scenographic and cultural space, etc.) are orchestrated and built Hand to create a special
atmosphere. This exercise also allows interaction between researchers and students of different years of the faculty. It is an
opportunity for them to familiarize themselves with tools and materials of construction site and to make contact with the professionals of
the trade and specialized companies.

List of persons in charge :

  • STERNO Jean-Marc

List of lessors :

  • Initiatives ministérielles et autres Communauté française

  • Région bruxelloise


  • Financement de base institutionnel

  • Fonds propres (patrimoine)