
Site en français

Center of perinatal epidemiology and epidemiological studies

Units : Labo repro | ULB576

Description :

The center of perinatal epidemiology (CePiP) was created by the initiative of the laboratory and allow to register all births in
Wallonie and Bruxelles since January 1st, 2008. Thanks to these data, large epidemiological studies have been done in obstetrics
and ART fields. These data were recently compared to data collected at the ''Medical College- ART'' in order to analyze the
perinatal health of pregnancies obtained after ART.

List of persons in charge :

  • DEMEESTERE Isabelle

  • ZHANG Weihong

Members List :

  • ZHANG Weihong

List of lessors :

  • Fonds spéciaux de recherche

  • Région wallonne

  • Région bruxelloise