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Units : Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Unit | ULB684
FRSM 3.4582.09. This project investigates the sleep-dependent reorganization of cerebral activity underlying performance in a probabilistic serial reaction time task, an implicit paradigm with which our teams have demonstrated for the first time an experience-dependent neuronal reactivation during human sleep. Also, we aim at better understanding the cerebral mechanisms involved in learning discrete and continuous motor sequences, and their consolidation during sleep. This project should provide a new prospect on the mechanisms subtending motor learning, and how sleep takes part in these processes. Promotors A. Cleeremans (Consciousness, Cognition and Computation Group), P. van Bogaert (Erasme hospital, ULB), P. Maquet (Cyclotron Research Centre, ULg), and P. Peigneux
• F.R.S.-FNRS et Fonds associés (hors FRIA)
• Fonds associés (toutes subventions, y compris la Loterie Nat.)