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Immune deficiency of childhood

Units : Laboratory of Vaccinology and Mucosal Immunity | ULB645

Description :

Knowing the ontogenesis of immune responses during childhood is a key factor for the development of optimal vaccine strategies. We
have shown that in contrast to a relative immaturity of the immue system in young children, they are able to mount appropriate
cellular immune response to some pathogens/ vaccine antigens like those from Bordetella pertussis. However, depending of the type of
vaccine administrated, there is some delay in the maturation of normal Th1-type immune reponses. We now characterize the memory
immune reponses to Bordetella pertuusis (see below).         Immune response of children to Bordetella pertussis antigens after
infection or vaccination (European Project Child Innovac).  Characterization of the T and B memory immun ereposnes after vaccination
with either an acellular or a whole cell vaccine or afetr a vaccine administrated after a natural infection. Afetr development and
standardisation of te techniques, cohorts of children aged from 3 to 10 years, and vaccinated with different vaccines, will be
included in the study. Other tests will be developped to detect the appearance of specific effector cells after vaccination. These
tests will then be transferred to the center who will perform within the project a phase I study of a new vaccine against B.
pertussis adminstrated by the nasal route. 

List of persons in charge :

  • DIRIX Violette

  • SMET Julie

List of lessors :

  • Fonds associés (toutes subventions, y compris la Loterie Nat.)

  • Autres U.E.