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Relations between the mental representations of numbers and the mental representation of musical tones

Units : Research Unit in Cognitive Neurosciences | ULB585

Description :

We explore the parallels between the mental representations of music and numbers through spatial associations of response codes
effects (e.g. the 'SNARC' and 'SMARC' effects). To this aim, we have adapted to musical stimuli a classical experimental paradigm
from the number cognition field. This methods studies the spatial representations through the occurrence of facilitation and
interference effects caused by the congruence or incongruence between a spatial response apparatus and a hypothetical mental
representation. We also study the interactions between pitch height and number magnitude with the same paradigm applied to sung numbers. In
addition, the effect of musical expertise on these representations is examined.

List of persons in charge :


  • KOLINSKY Régine

List of lessors :

  • Autres ressources extérieures

  • Financement de base institutionnel