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Early mechanisms of human atheromatosis

Units : Laboratory of Experimental Medicine(CHU Charleroi-Hop Vesale) | ULB222

Description :

The aim is to understand the early mechanisms of the development of the human atheromatous process,studying interactions  between
endothelial cells,coagulation(fibrinolysis),inflammatory triggers like MPO oxydised LDL and the immune system   ; the laboratory
has developped an automated and reproducible method of fibriolysis measurement, a model of co-culture (endothelial cells - smooth
muscle cells) is now being developped;the laboratory developps a model of endothelial cells  culture exposed to a pulsatile
flux;recombinant MPO and antibodies to MPO oxydized  LDL are part of our tools.Owing to his position in a large general hospital,the
laboratoty has access to large cohorts of patients,with their biological samples and clinical data, respecting the rules of the
ethical commitees.   

List of persons in charge :


List of lessors :

  • Région wallonne

  • Entreprises privées

  • Autres ressources extérieures

  • Financement de base institutionnel